
This year Bridge conference will be 2 days event:

  • 22nd of September – main conference day
  • 23rd of September – site visits for all on-site tickets holders

​The main topic of PM & PMO Conference BRIDGE 2022 is to be SUSTAINABLE PROJECT MANAGEMENT.

We found this topic of high interest among the professionals of project management and therefore, will seek to bring the brightest minds of this topic on stage.

During the second day there will be site visits complimentary for all on-site tickets holders. More information and registration will be announced later.

​Of course, we will keep the track of our main focus areas, which are:


Conference Agenda

Most of our speakers will join onsite event, so you will have ability to meet with them in person and have a talk if you will join event onsite.

All sessions are listed in GMT+3 time zone.

08:30 - 09:00


09:00 - 09:15

Opening and welcome speech

Inga Ablingienė

Edita Kemzūraitė

09:15 - 09:45

The Practice of Sustainable Project Management

From the vision that ‘Sustainability needs change’ and ‘Change is organized in projects’, the concept of ‘Sustainable Project Management’ emerged. However, What is Sustainable Project Management?  How to do it? How to make it practical? and What are the effects? Does it make projects more successful? In this presentation, Gilbert Silvius will share the latest insights of his research on the topic, with a focus on the practices of Sustainable Project Management.

Gilber Silvius

09:45 - 10:15

What Makes a World-Class PMO

What factors can contribute to the success of a PMO? What is the future of project management offices? You've probably heard a lot about trendy PMO models and what the future PMO should look like. There are numerous points of view, but the real-world experience shows that magic pills do not determine PMO success. Hearing the voices of those who work in the PMO trenches can help us understand many challenges. And while there is no single path to success, there are common elements that can suggest how to make our PMOs invaluable to the top management and the organization. In his session, Americo Pinto (co-author of the book WHAT MAKES A WORLD-CLASS PMO with Jack Duggal) will share first hand some of the insightful advice obtained by the authors from a comprehensive survey and interviews with dozens of seasoned PMO Leaders globally, members of the PMO Global Alliance community. Their book is expected to be published by the end of 2022.

Americo Pinto

10:15 - 10:45

Coffee Break & Networking

10:45 - 11:15

What (Not) to Do in a Megaproject: Lessons from Baltic Synchronisation

What is it like to manage a megaproject or a major programme? Is it just like any project scaled to hundreds of millions Euro and decades in implementation, or does it present unique risks, challenges and demands? What skills and competences you need to possess to effectively keep a massive transformational change on track for a long period? Drawing from his experience as the programme manager for the programme that is delivering Lithuanian power grid synchronisation, Arturas shares his insights about what to expect and what you should be prepared for when the scope, complexity, timeframe and costs are in the “mega” range.

Artūras Kuliešas

11:15 - 11:45

Impact of Big Data Analytics on Decision-making in Organizational Project Management

How to leverage big data analytics to enhance projects and PMO management via a well-established decision-making capability.

Laila Faridoon

11:45 - 12:15

The Long-term Value Creation Through Enterprise ESG Journey & Practical Applications

Organizations are increasing their focus on sustainability, many of them for the first time, in response to changing regulations. As sustainability becomes increasingly mainstream, a shift in approach and an innovative mindset is needed to build an understanding of the opportunities it presents towards long-term value creation. During this presentation, we will explore different maturity levels of ESG readiness to create long-term value in different dimensions. Using practical examples, we will discuss some long-term value drivers to showcase that sustainability could be expanded beyond the adherence to regulations towards business opportunity and competitive advantage as well as contribution to society.

Auksė Žukauskienė

12:15 - 13:15

Networking Lunch

13:15 - 13:45

Success story of MyFootprint | SEB: Accelerating Change Through Partnership

Panel discussion about the need, the will and lessons learnt developing and launching MyFootprint | SEB app as a contribution to sustainable development in Baltics. 3 angles of implementing sustainable product which is totally new for the organization and the market: 1. Strategic decision making for sustainability in AB SEB bankas; 2. Making it happen in less than a year from idea to launch; 3. Cultural and contextual cross-border partnership experience.

Skirmantė Ušurliakienė

Monika Martinsson

Audrius Rutkauskas

01:45 - 02:15

6D – sustainable design and the power of the data

Digital design of sustainable buildings, the reality of today, and the daily routine of my last eight years. During the design process using digital tools such as BIM, LCA, dynamic energy modeling and other 6D simulations enable us to compare different alternatives, simulate building behavior, and make informed decisions. Apart from technology, the focus remains on the end-users and team communication. To manage arising government and client requirements (BIM, high level of detail), we embrace advanced PM methods such as ICE (Integrated Concurrent Engineering) combined with Agile - help us to keep order when multiple disciplines start working parallel and multiple issues arise. Sustainable approach, open and live communication, open bi-directional high-quality data flow – this is our way of making quality buildings come to life.

Liudas Galdikas

02:45 - 03:15

Can startups and public sector work together to build GovTech solutions?

Arūnė will share how GovTech Lab is trying to bring more innovation to Lithuania’s public sector by connecting public sector’s technological challenges with startups and innovative companies.

Arūnė Matelytė

02:45 - 03:15

Increasing Value and Visibility Through Collaboration to Promote Business Sustainability

You know how you can do all the things and still not get enough audience reach or build community? It's not that you're doing anything wrong. It's that you're only ONE source for your business operations, marketing, and revenue generation. Now consider the impact if you could multiply your efforts without creating more work internally. Your value and visibility is increased through collaboration which promotes your business sustainability. It's simpler than you think and in this conversation you'll learn the 3 steps that will improve your efficiency, optimize your progress, and strengthen your business connections: - Uncover the business activities that will promote your future self & others - Apply 4 proven steps for taking quick action on your new, profitable idea to launch - Connect with why building relationships gets your business for sustainability faster.

TaJuanna M. Taylor

03:15 - 03:45

Coffee Break & Networking

03:45 - 04:15

Sustainability will not solve the earth’s problem. We must do more

In his presentation Joel will share the current state of the world through the lens projects that GPM has assessed and research that have been conducted with thousands of practitioners. GPM is the global leader in sustainable project management practices. As a social enterprise, they advocate principled and value-based project approaches. Founded in 2009, they have been instrumental in shaping sustainable practice as it relates to Portfolio, Program, and Project Management on a global scale and are advocates for the profession’s role in solving wide-scale challenges facing humanity.

Joel Carboni

04:15 - 04:45

Lessons from Simulated Mars: sustainability and team dynamics

In her talk Dr. Popovaite will share her experience at the Mars Desert Research Station where she spent 2 weeks as a member of 4-person team simulating life on Mars. - How would we live on the Red Planet? - What does sustainability mean in a place with extremely limited resources? - How does it translate to a place of plenty? - What does a person and a team need to survive and thrive?

Inga Popovaitė

04:45 - 05:00

Closing note

Inga Ablingienė

Edita Kemzūraitė

Site Visits Agenda

ONSITE tickets holders will have opportunity to join complimentary site visits on 23rd of September.

Please, fill registration form bellow for one of available site visits. You will need to provided your ONSITE ticket number during registration. The final confirmation will be sent by email after ticket will be validated. Group sizes for tours will be limited.

Danske Bank Campus

Danske Bank Campus visit: an opportunity to visit Danske Campus – an exceptional and innovative workplace developed based on the ideas of genuine community and sustainability. During the tour you will see and hear what kind of solutions have been implemented in order to be as sustainable as possible and to create the best work environment for all employees.

Building Danske Campus – Managing to succeed

Session organised by Danske Bank Project Management Forum

During this session we will be going through the history of Danske Campus and delve into what it takes to manage such projects, what learnings can we take from this experience, and hear how sustainability became the core concept.

10:00-10:15 1st group registration at DC Meadow
10:15-11:00 Danske Campus tour for 1st group*
11:00-12:30 PM Forum – Building Danske Campus
12:30-13:15 Danske Campus tour for 2nd group*


Giedrius Lazickas
Real Estate Portfolio Manager
Danske Bank

Tadas Grincevicius
Head of Project & Development

Panel guest:
Mykolas Ginevicius
Senior Programme Manager
Danske Bank

Date: 23rd of September

Time: 10:00 (GMT+3), please, arrive 15 min earlier.

Location: Danske Bank, DC Meadow, Saltoniškių g. 7c, Vilnius

Vilnius Airport

Tour at Vilnius Airport: an opportunity to see Vilnius airport from inside. You During the Vilnius Airport tour you will enter the airside, where you will learn about the ongoing projects such as aerodrome reconstruction, construction of T4 terminal and others.

​Date: 23rd of September

Time: 10:00 (GMT+3), please, arrive 15 min earlier.

Location: Vilnius Airport, Rodūnios kelias 10a, Vilnius

Group size: 35 people

For this site visit we need to collect your personal identity data, which will be provided to Vilnius Airport to issue security permission for your visit.

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