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BRIDGE 2022: PM & PMO Conference is one of the largest project management conferences in the Baltic States, organised by Project Management United. This year it's going to be the 2rd edition with main focus on sustainability in project management.

Do not miss the opportunity to deepen your knowledge in project management, explore the exhibition area, attend site visits and meet colleagues on September 22-23, 2022, and at the same time contribute to a larger forest area in Lithuania and Europe.

Contact Info

Auksė Žukauskienė

Partner, UAB “Ernst & Young Baltic”

Aukse is a rounded senior HR professional, with more than 20 years corporate experience in Philip Morris International (PMI), Barclays & SBA Group both in Lithuania & internationally. Since 2022 setting up EY Workforce Advisory Practice in the Baltic States – helping enterprises to maximize their potential and future ambition through people and organizational transformation.

All Sessions by Auksė Žukauskienė

11:45 - 12:15

The Long-term Value Creation Through Enterprise ESG Journey & Practical Applications

Organizations are increasing their focus on sustainability, many of them for the first time, in response to changing regulations. As sustainability becomes increasingly mainstream, a shift in approach and an innovative mindset is needed to build an understanding of the opportunities it presents towards long-term value creation. During this presentation, we will explore different maturity levels of ESG readiness to create long-term value in different dimensions. Using practical examples, we will discuss some long-term value drivers to showcase that sustainability could be expanded beyond the adherence to regulations towards business opportunity and competitive advantage as well as contribution to society.

MB "Project Management United"

Registration code: 305700696

VAT: LT100014293517

Address: Piromonto g. 7-37, LT-09219 Vilnius, Lithuania

Email: info@pmconference.org

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